Repair Facility Company Information Screen

Use this screen to enter or edit repair facility company information.

Description of fields on the Company Information screen

Field Label Description
Company Slogan Enter your company slogan here.
Business Form Select the business type from this droplist. Options include blank, Partnership, Corporations, and Sole Proprietorship
Click here to add logo file Selecting this option allows you to import an image file. Valid file formats are BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG file types.
(black X button) This option deletes the image file.
Federal ID Number The company federal tax identification number.
State ID Number This is the state identification number for tax purposes.
Resale Number Enter your reseller permit number in this field.
BAR This field is the ID number form the Bureau of Automotive Repair
State EPA Enter the state EPA number in this field. This is the Environmental Protection Agency state ID number.
SMSA This field is the metropolitan area ID number.
Federal EPA Enter the Federal EPA number in this field. This is the Environmental Protection Agency Federal ID number.
License Number This number is the municipal business license number.
Franchise ID This value is the number assignment by the franchise company.
File The menu bar File options include Save, Save and Close, and Close.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save This menu selection saves the information. This is also a toolbar option.
Save and Close This menu selection saves the information and closes the screen. This is also a toolbar option.

See Also

Adding or Editing Company Information







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